18 Inches Percolator Bong with 8 Arms Perc

Sale price$206.39 CAD


Eight Arms Perc with an 18-Inch Percolator Bong

With the sturdy boro glass construction of the 18-inch percolator bong PHX644, enjoy a smoother smoking experience. To view the entire website, click this link. Schedule With its unusual design that includes a prominent pyramid perc and eight arms perc, this gorgeous piece guarantees a smooth inhale every time. The dual-color design of the pyramid perc gives this bong a touch of sophistication and originality.

Including a matching bong bowl and detachable diffuser downstem, this set combines design and utility. It has a splash guard to keep your lips dry and is comfortable. This double perc bong is an excellent option because it is ideal for both practical use and aesthetic appeal.


18 inches tall
Perc 1: A dual-colored, pyramid-shaped perc
Perc 2: Eight-armed perc
Qualities: includes a splash guard
Green (available) in color


What is the 18 Inches Percolator Bong with 8 Arms Perc?

This is an 18-inch tall bong featuring an 8-arm percolator. It is designed to provide superior smoke filtration and cooling for a smoother smoking experience.

How does the 8-arm percolator work?

The 8-arm percolator works by diffusing smoke through multiple arms, each with small slits or holes. This increases the interaction between smoke and water, resulting in more effective filtration and cooling.

What are the benefits of having an 8-arm percolator?

An 8-arm percolator provides extensive filtration and diffusion, which cools and cleans the smoke more thoroughly, leading to a smoother and more enjoyable smoking experience.

How do I use the 18 Inches Percolator Bong with 8 Arms Perc?

Fill the bong with water until the percolator is submerged. Place your herb in the bowl, light it, and inhale through the mouthpiece while ensuring the water level is correct for optimal performance.

Where can I purchase this bong?

You can purchase the 18 Inches Percolator Bong with 8 Arms Perc from Canadian Vape Shop, a trusted source for high-quality smoking accessories.

Is this bong suitable for beginners?

Yes, this bong is suitable for both beginners and experienced users due to its effective filtration system and user-friendly design.

How should I clean the bong?

To clean the bong, use a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and coarse salt. Shake the bong gently, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Clean the percolator arms using a brush or pipe cleaner.

What advantage does a taller bong offer?

A taller bong provides more space for water and filtration, allowing for more cooling and smoother hits. It also has a larger capacity for smoke.

How durable is the 18 Inches Percolator Bong?

The bong is made from durable glass, but it should be handled carefully to prevent breakage. Proper cleaning and handling will help extend its lifespan.

Can this bong be used with other accessories?

Yes, the bong can be used with other compatible accessories such as bowls and downstems, provided they fit the bong’s joint size and design.

What makes the 8-arm percolator special?

The 8-arm percolator offers enhanced filtration and diffusion by having multiple arms through which smoke passes, resulting in exceptionally smooth and cool hits.

How can I ensure the best performance from my bong?

Regular cleaning and correct handling are essential. Make sure the water level is appropriate and that all parts are properly assembled.

Is the 18 Inches Percolator Bong portable?

While it is larger and less portable than smaller bongs, it can still be moved with care. Its size provides excellent filtration and smoking experience at home.

What accessories are included with this bong?

The bong typically includes the 8-arm percolator system and a bowl. Check the product details for any additional accessories or components.

Why choose a bong with an 8-arm percolator?

An 8-arm percolator provides advanced filtration and cooling, making the smoke smoother and more pleasant. It’s ideal for users seeking a high-quality smoking experience.

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